Media Library

Media Library

Media tracking management system

As an avid collector of classic video game systems I needed a way to track what software and hardware were in my collection. I also needed a way to track items that I would like to locate and include in my library. The system started a just a SQL database and as it grew I wanted a nicer and cleaner interface, and in the process I wanted to make it available while rummaging through flea market and pawn shops so I build an odata web service. When I started studying for the MCSD and need a way to practice and apply what I was studying I decided to build out a Windows store application. 

This is a continuing project, there are several different front ends, that access the web service, such as an updated Window Store app (now UWP) a WPF application, a Android and iOS app has been tinkered with but not much time has been spent on it, I’ve also been working on a Web Site version.